Friday, February 24, 2012

Job duties

I've really enjoyed being a stay at home mom these last few months. I thought I was doing a pretty good job, too...until this morning. Joey asked me before school why I do so much housework. I thought he was impressed with how great I was doing. When I asked what he meant, he said I was always so busy doing chores that I don't play with them. He thought I was not working so I could spend more time with them. Ouch. I guess I was so busy trying to be Suzy Homemaker that I forgot my real purpose & job duties. I remember being a little kid & wanting my mom to color with me, so Joey's request really hit home. I've heard that you'll never regret playing with your kids. Looks like I need to realign my priorities to play with the boys after school. I guess whatever housework isn't done by then can just wait. Pretty soon those sweet boys will be too old to want to play with me, so I better enjoy them now!

1 comment:

Aunt Pat said...

I wish I had taken more time with mine when they were little. Maybe things would be different now.