Monday, December 28, 2009

Glass Etching Day Post 11

I think this is the last post of the day. Boy, we are worn out! Here are some little fairies on parfait glasses. The wings are so pretty.
I'm more excited about the tooth fairies on these little bottles. I think they'll be cute to keep little baby teeth in when they fall out.
Ok, that's all I can handle for today. It's time to get ready for dinner and then my drive back to West Monroe. I hope yall enjoyed all the glasses today. They're pretty much all for sale, so send me an email at if you're interested in buying one. I think our grand total for glasses made today is 59. It seems more like 1,059. Have a good evening!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man you have been an etching maniac! I love it though and they all look fantastic